Executive Board
The Board is entrusted with managing the ESPCT and represents the ESPCT. It consists of three to at most five members and has appointed the chairman, the secretary and the treasurer. If necessary, the officers are substituted by deputies.
The members of the Board are responsible for the observance of the objectives of the foundation and the day to day work, running the offered courses and projects.
Odeth Bloemberg – van den Bekerom was born in 1976 in Venray, The Netherlands. She studied psychology at the Tilburg University and pedagogics (science of teaching) at the Free University in Amsterdam.
She is working as a school psychologist for 15 years now. Starting with diagnostics and treatment of children with specific learning disabilities in a psychological practice, she noticed the constraints of working in a small environment: the lack of transfer of the tuition and in this way the lack of communication and cooperation with school teachers.
This leaded to different jobs within the Dutch school system: a small special educational school for children with a mental disability, a secondary vocational school and a combined school.
Nowadays she is a school psychologist, working in schools for special education for children with mental and physical disabilities and psychiatric problems.
She is registered as a child & youth psychologist and EMDR practitioner.
Odeth is a member of:
- NIP – Dutch Institute for Psychologists, since 1994
- Crisis Intervention Network of School psychologists – The Netherlands, since 2005, supporting schools with lectures on trauma, stress and crisis response
- ISPA (International School Psychology Association) since 2008
VEN (Association EMDR the Netherlands) since 2009

Jan-Erik Schmidt was born 1971 in Stuttgart. He studied Psychology in Tuebingen, Germany and worked as a psychologist in a residential youth home (2000-2004), in a family-counseling-center (2004-2008) and since 2008 as school-psychologist.
He is solution-focused family therapist.
Since 2010 he is coordinator of the local crisis-intervention-team and member of ISPA.
Areas of Interest:
Teachers Health
Cooperation in educational institutions
Theory of self-organizing systems (synergetics)
Crisis Prevention and Intervention
Trainings in Communication, Cooperation and Crisis-Intervention for Teachers and Headmasters

Drs Olanda Momcilovic has been working as a psychologist in the Netherlands. First she worked 6 years as a school psychologists in Croatia, specialising in working with gifted children. During the war in Yugoslavia, Olanda started getting involved with working with refugees, helping them with their trauma, grief and building up of resilience.
In the last years she has been working in the Netherlands, amongst others at the Institute for Children with behavioural and learning disabilities. She coaches teachers and social workers in their work with the children and their parents.
Since 2008 she has her own practice.
Olanda has been a member of Crisis intervention team of school psychologists of NIP (The Netherlands Institution for Psychologists) since 2003. She supports schools in crisis response and gives lectures on trauma, stress and crisis management.
She is chairwoman of the International Crisis Response Network by the ISPA (International School Psychology Association) and co-director and trainer by the ESPCT (European School Psychology Centre for Training).
She is also a member of the NtVP ( The Netherlands Association of Psychologists working on Psycho-trauma).
Olanda has given presentations, workshops and trainings in various parts of the world (amongst others in Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Cyprus, USA, Lithuania, UK, Japan, Slovakia..).

*1940 in Sudetenland
- 1946 - expelled with mother to Western Germany
- 1959 - Abitur in Würzburg
- 1965 - first state exam in German, History, and English; Starting as teacher in a Gymnasium in Nürnberg
- 1967 - second teacher state exam for Gymnasium
- 1971 - Diploma exam in Psychology, since then school psychlogist (teacher & psychologist in a Gymnasium in Würzburg)
- 1979-2004 - trainer (“Seminarlehrer”) for school psychologists between the first state exam for school psychologists and the second state exam,taking training in several therapy techniques
- 1981 - convener of the German school psychology conference,
- 1982 - member of the charter executive committee of the International School Psychlogy Association (ISPA) founded in Stockholm
- 1985-1991 - first colloquium coordinator of ISPA for the annual conferences
- 1987-1991 - Chair of the Bavarian School Psychology Association (LBSP), founded in 1987
- 1993 - founder of an initiative for school development of teachers, parents, students and experts in Würzburg
- 1998 - “Supervisor” BDP
- 1999 - advisor of the Bavarian Ministry of Education for training of school psychologists
- 2000 - coordinator for school development in lower Franconia; conception for special classes for highly gifted children at the Deutschhaus-Gymnasium in Würzburg, coach for the development there since then
- 2002 - organizer of the first training for Bavarian school psychologists for crisis management in schools run by Prof. Bill Pfohl, USA, leader of the Bavarian school psychology group offering psychological first aid after the massacre at the Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt
- 2003 - up to now organizer of and trainer in annual 5-day-trainings (basic and advanced) for school psychologists from European countries on crisis management in schools
- 2004 - retirement; external supervisor for the psychological counseling center for highly gifted children (Begabungspsychologische Beratungsstelle)at the university of Würzburg
- 2005/06 - visiting scholar at the Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green
- 2008 - Director of the European Training Center of ISPA
- 2010 - Chair of the “Stichting” European School Psychology Centre for Training ESPCT
- 2016 German Order of Merits First Class (Verdienstorden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Erster Klasse )awarded by German President Joachim Gauk
- 2017 Retired as Director of the Executive Board of ESPCT
Author and co-author of several articles about school development, crisis management and highly gifted children

Email address: billnasp@aol.com
Bill Pfohl is a Professor of Psychology at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He has trained school psychologists for 30 years. Bill obtained his bachelor and masters degree in school psychology from St. Bonaventure University in upstate New York. He received his Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree from Rutgers – The State University of New Jersey – Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology in 1979. He is a licensed psychologist in Kentucky, and a certified school psychologist in New York, New Jersey, and Kentucky. He is a Charter, Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP) sponsored by NASP.
His professional interests are school safety, school crisis intervention, and research on emotional intelligence in students. He was National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) President twice (1996-97 & 2005-06). He serves on NASP’s National Emergency Assistance Team (NEAT) since 1997, responding to school crises. He is currently Co-Chair of NEAT (2008-2010). He is currently the President-elect of the International School Psychology Association (ISPA) - (2007-09). He has written several articles and a book chapter about crisis intervention.
Bill has trained school psychologists in school crisis intervention in the United States and internationally. Bill has led three NOVA sponsored crisis response teams in the United States. He has responded to numerous crises in Kentucky and his home region. He is the Senior Mental Health Coordinator for the Southcentral Kentucky Chapter of the American Red Cross.
Bill was awarded Rutgers University - Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology Alumni Peterson Prize for Outstanding Contributions to the field of professional psychology in 2000. He was also awarded the Joseph P. Cangemi Leadership in Psychology and Education Award in 2002 at Western Kentucky University. He is listed the Who’s Who in America – 60th Anniversary Edition (2005), as well as Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (2006).
He enjoys traveling, photography, technology, and jogging. He is married and father of three and has one grandchild.

born 14.2.1945 in Reichenbach/Schlesien
1967-1973 Study of Psychology at the University of Würzburg (Germany)
1981-1984 Training in Client Centered Therapy (GWG) and Integrated Family Therapy
2001-2006 Masterdegree in Human Ressources Development at the University of Kaiserslautern
Professional Experience:
1974-1981 School psychologist at Werkgymnasium Heidenheim
1981-1999 School Psychological Counseling Center in Aaalen
1999-2010 Lecturer at the regional schoolboard of Northern Baden-Württemberg with the key aspects
of crisis management, conflict management, quality development, supervision of headmasters.
since 2010 boardmember and trainer at the ESPCT
Co-author of books for crisis management (german language)
Member of ISPA, BDP and LSBW
Materials for helping children after critical incidents
Read moreESPCT Protocols for teachers, parents and communities